I feel healthy

July 24 2006
I've been working out more the past few days than I've ever done before, and I feel great!  No wonder people do this stuff!  I was reading about the Navy SEALS today (one of my long-time, hidden secret dreams), and I saw that part of their physical admission test is to run 1.5 miles in 11 minutes or less.  So today when I went to work out, I decided to try for that on one of the machines.  Being my usual stupid, cocky self, I set up the machine to do the hill simulation (i.e. a lot more resistance to my feet) for the run.  I ended up running the 1.5 miles in 9.5 minutes.  I'm well on my way to SEALdom.  Of course, I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to join any branch of the military, but at least I may be capable!  If nothing else, this will help push me along the path to World Cup stardom.

Am I a dreamer?  I can't tell...


July 25 2006
Are you the dreamer or the dream? (That's from some movie; I can't remember which one.)