*angry grunting noise*

July 19 2006
Remember a few posts back when I said it was too hot?  I was wrong.  Todays forecast projects a few hours of 103 degree heat followed by (joy of joys!) a thunderstorm. The heat'll suck, but the storm will be absolutely great.  I can't wait for it.

Anyway, tonight I'm singing in the band for the youth group at church, so that will be fun and air-conditioned.  I haven't made the clarinet recording yet because, well, I haven't yet found my clarinet.  It may be in my closet, but I haven't been in there in a few months, and the resident dragons and foul beasts who once would do my bidding are no longer under my control.  So I've got to get my plate armor from the dry cleaners and teach them beasties a lesson or two.