I can't believe I just did this

April 09 2006
I always do the same bloody thing.  New blog-site, must join.  Even though there are only two people on here who will read what I post, and I see them nearly every day...

Though, I do suppose it'll be a nice way to keep up with them when they're not around as often.  Hmmm...

Yeah, so I joined a new blog-thing.  That puts me up to a total of 17 web presences overall, though I only still use 6 now (web presences being IM SN's, blogs, and websites).  Perhaps I'm just being the ideal Honors student and expanding my horizons, breaking my God-boxes, and advancing further down the esteemed Perry model.  Lord only knows I need more of all that jazz.

It's always amazed me how sometimes I can just sit down and the words just flow from my pen...er...keyboard to the screen.  I mean, typically, it would take about half an hour to write this much, but this is just one of those days when I could write anything, however long, in an ungodly amount of time.  Or, perhaps, it would be a godly amount of time, as He is most likely a decently fast typist.  As it is, He's not doing a blog - I am.  Sucks to be Him.

Now I'm kind of glad I live in the basement.  It's harder to get struck by lightning down here.

Josh Morgan

April 10 2006
Somehow, I think I'd give up blogging to be God. ;) I was wondering if you'd join. Glad to have you here.