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Leadership...an everday thing

February 26 2007
So this weekend was the WILD trip that I led. It went amazing..at least
in my opinion...give or take a little rain now and then j/k. But it got
me thinking about somethings. I mean I understand how important being a
leader is in every aspect of my life. I mean being a leader isn't just
about bossing people around, its about being an example in all of your
actions, no matter how innocent they may seem.

Now there are
many ways a person can be a leader, one for example is being an older
sibling. I happen to have plenty of experience in this area of life.
But I didn't stop to think about the impact that I have on my younger
siblings. I mean I hear the whole thing about "they just want to be
like you." Now, that I actually think about it, thats a pretty scary
responsibility. I mean to have (in my case) three young boys always
watching your every move to immulate you.

Another way a person
can be a leader is how they treat people. This can be a hard leader to
be. I mean I know I don't always treat people the way they should be
treated but I always try my best to do what I think is right...whether
other people agree with my decisions or not.

The single most
difficult leader is a spiritual leader. This is, in my opinion the
HARDEST leader to be. I mean instead of just younger siblings you have
the whole world watching your every move and waiting for you to mess
up. But, when you mess up, you have the weight of being a christian on
your shoulders. I mean not in a bad way, just the fact that everyone is
waiting for you to mess up just because your a christian. Now I'm not
saying that I'm perfect, because this is the area I struggle with on a
daily basis. I mean it's hard to be around people that don't believe
the same as you do and not fall into some of the patterns that they do.

I know that I'm not perfect, but I would give anything just to
make someone else's day a little brighter because I am who I am and no
one's going to change that...except GOD. And then I know it will only
be for the betterment of my life and actions, and the people around me.
Being a leader means being true to yourself. No matter who your around
or who your trying to impress.

So when it boils down to it, are you the kind of leader that you want to be seen as?