a new perspective on Valentine's Day

February 14 2006

so.. I think I've finally gotten over the fact that I've never actually had a Valentine. & I think I've gotten over the "I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY WITH A PASSION!" phase. Because today I realized that Valentine's Day doesn't have to be just about boyfriends & girlfriends & mushy gifts & what not (even though all that would be VERY nice). Valentine's Day is about giving to others & making someone else feel loved. It's about telling your FRIENDS how much they mean to you & letting them know how special they are.

So, as of 2/14/2006.. Valentine's Day is now my favorite holiday. hah, just because I get to make other people feel special & do nice things for others. Which is what I LOVE to do.

THANK YOU! to all my wonderful friends & cheerleaders for all the sweet Valentines & candy! It was all awesome & you made my Valentine's day great.

Well, I'm going to bed. Once again, thanks guys!
(oh & I tried out for The Wizard of Oz today after school.. mmhmm, it went pretty darn well. I find out Thursday what part I get so, keep your fingers crossed!)

goodnight guys! Happy Valentine's Day!

Chris Slate,

February 15 2006
wow... that just made me feel inspired... elizabeth.. i freakin love you... that was the greatest post i have EVER read... and about the auditions... if they were smart about who they picked then you would most definately be dorothy... cuz yeh... idk... cuz ur great... i freakin love you... happy valentines day


February 15 2006
Yay for you! You should read my post about that same revelation I made a few years ago.


February 15 2006
hahah i saw you today my detention friend! haha

justin daniels

February 16 2006
Sweet..I feel the same as you,as I've never had a valentine date or been dating someone on valentine's day. But,I use it as a day to let my mom know I love her and thank my friends. Thanks Elizabeth!


February 16 2006
Happy Valentine's Day....

Chelsey Montgomery

February 19 2006
haha YOU ARE SO RIGHT!! <br>i love you zabeth!! &hearts;