It Must Be Insanity ....

January 22 2007

They say the sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different response.  They say the sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different response.  They say the sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different response. 

So why do I continue to waste my time tryng to upload pics into Phusebox?  Because I am a dreamer and and cautiously optimistic that it will be successful someday.  I believe (think ?) that the issue is the rerouting of internet access via Australian satellites .... but, I don't know for sure.  Supposedly (according to world press) the fiber optic cable repairs in Taiwan will be completed about mid-Feb.  If that is the case ... things should be back to normal a week or two afterwards .... urrrggghhhh.  In the meantime ... $7/day +++ ($8/day when you include taxes) is pretty much being wasted on very limited UNLIMITED access.

As for me and my family, we are doing ok.  Was able to get online "enough" to order some SAT study guides for Chely via ... only took 1 hour .... was afraid I'd lose the internet connection altogether before I completed the transaction - it stalled a number of times ... but didn't die.

Work is coming along - finally getting on the backside of my YE reporting.  Building a new excel- based database application for tracking controls related issues.  It will replace an old highly inefficient spreadsheet.  The new models include a lot of customized drop-down menus (to improve consistency and reduce key strokes), numerous data validations (including some to limit the number of characters in a text (so people don't get too long winded) ... and a really neat security tool where I protect the sheets and cells ... but allow certain, pre-specified users to be able to edit the LOCKED cells without having to use a password.

Thasya has been accepted into a play called Flappers.  She is the singing and dancing line.   Rehearsals (4+ each week) start this week.  The play is in March ... she is going to be busy busy busy ... and will have to stay on top of her studies and rest when she can.  Her modelling lessons end this week.

As for Decy - she's spending time organizing the office and starting to work some business plans RE what she wants to do.  Now that we are pretty much done furnishing the house (a few odds and ends left) she has time to focus on other things.

The dog and cat are doing fine and successfully survived the YE sacrifice period.  Its amazing watching the two of them play.  I can't believe the dog will actually let the cat climb on the dogs back and then get carried around the house.  Hey, wait a minute .... I don't have a dog and cat.  Gotcha !!!

Enough of this for now ... connection might die any minute.

Oh before I forget .... I love my mother ....

ciao ciao

Suzanne Morgan

January 22 2007
And your Mother loves you! Forgot to tell you we now have 2 dogs and 2 cats. You can have a pair of ours if you want. Had to get second dog to keep us from going crazy....


January 22 2007
You're scary.