In Memory of Uncle Dave

December 14 2006

A few minutes ago, I learned that my Uncle Dave passed away.  He was approximately 100 years old ... and the oldest in our family.  He will be missed by many.  He was loved by many.  He touched many.

Uncle Dave had many unique stories ... but the most amazing is his "nationality".  That side of my family immigrated from an area that was sometimes "Russia" and sometimes "Poland" depending on wars and the border movements.  Yeah, that's right, I'm either part Russian or part Polish.

Anyway, when the family immigrated there was great grandpa, great grandma, great aunts, great uncles, and a (I think) 6 kids from GGP/ GGM .... but something funny happened along the way and in New York Harbor Uncle Dave was born.  Because he was in "American waters" he was deemed "an American" .... a gazillion immigrates coming off the boat ... and one American new born baby.

I have visited Ellis Island where the immigrates were processed.  If you ever have a chance to go there ... do it.

..... I love you Uncle Dave ... may you rest in peace .... may you be with God, Jesus, and Aunt Carrie.

Jonathan Moore

December 14 2006
May God bless your family through this situation. Our prayers are with you...


December 15 2006