So, uh...yeah!

August 20 2006
In case you haven't heard, I'm making an actual effort to come back. I've applied for two positions at Verizon's 1) store near the mall, and 2) call center in the Boro. This idea was inspired by the idea of Garrett, who said if I moved back, he, Graham, and I would get an apartment.

As to how this might pertain to my last doesn't. Really, it doesn't. Because one of those possibilities isn't valid anymore. I don't feel the need or desire to go into that any further, but needless to say, my trip cleared it up.

Sorry if that bored you with its vagueness. To placate you, here's me with a polar bear.

Yep. That's a polar bear. More updates about the possible move as I get them.


August 20 2006


August 21 2006
P.S. I like the polar bear.


August 21 2006
i wanna sit in the polor bear!! Where was this picture taken!!

Christopher Davis

August 24 2006
Hellz yeah is about all I can say. Hellz yeah.

Christopher Davis

August 29 2006
Man, I keep wanting to say that you said there's a SuperNova machine somewhere near me... But I can't remember. x_x