a case of the spots

September 10 2005
well i had alot of fun meeting some new people last night and today. i was exausted the whole time though, and that kinda sucked cause all i wanted to do was sleep. but i met people anyways and it was cool. the bad news is that i came back covered in these little red spots. as if the poison ivy that i have had on my arm all week wasn't enough, i now have 40-50 small red spots all over my arms, hands, legs, and feet. how odd. if anyone wants to help identify them, please let me know.

i didn't go to the game because i took benadryl to stop the itching and i just now woke up (it's 11). i honestly don't even feel well enough to go to girl's night. the stuffy head thing is the culprit in that. oh well, sorry i'm so negative. i'm just sleepy still. so it's off to some more benadryl and hopefully sleeping through the night. maybe i'll wake up for church since i have been sleeping since 7...that would be good. peace...

-the polka-dot princess