secrets and questions

October 21 2005
So I have this deep dark secret that I've never told anyone before. And honestly, it's eating me alive. The reason that it is eating at me is because I realized how much that it totally can affect the rest of my life depending on what I do with it. I think that the secret explains alot of what has been going on in my life lately when it comes to school and work. But it has made me question whether I should let it out and let it determine the course of the rest of my life or if I should just keep keeping it a secret and live life the way it is, in questioning confusion forever, not knowing what could have happened if I had told the secret. Hmm...I think I just answered my own question. I really think that I am ready to share my secret. It's just freaking scary because it's a really big life-changing deal! But first I want to discuss it with a close friend (you know who you are) and make sure I'm cool with saying it out loud (!!!) before I tell the world. So everyone stand by...something big is coming.'s a God-secret....

Megan Ogle

October 26 2005
Joy, God secrets are awesome! When and If you get the ok, let me know!