If we have forgotten..
July 28 2006
LORD, how can I forget?
Sometimes, we get numb...... As Christians, we often hear about the crucifixion; how Jesus died on the cross. But have we forgotten the pain? Has it become merely a story? I'm not about to write a long, descriptive blog re-painting the picture of what happened that day. YOU know what Christ endured on Calvary. But incase you have forgotten...this isn't just a story. This is our Jesus, my Jesus. And I will not continue to snicker and spit on Him through the way I am living my life. I do not want to become that person in the crowd who mocked Jesus as He hung on that cross. I want to BEHAVE. I want to know that I was WORTH his sacrifice! Don't you? Let's live like we remember....Lord, forgive for us for forgetting and becoming numb to your sacrifice.
Aloha In Christ,