Ben Moser


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The Adventures of Frederick the Love Monkey

March 14 2006

It's 2:12 AM and all sorts of creatures lurk in the darkness...


But have no fear! Frederick the Love Monkey will save the day!  Err...Night.

And in the night, Frederick receives a phone call: "Come to the Taj Mahal at 2:22."


So he went, not knowing what he would find there, lurking in the dark,
deep, dank jungles of India . . . But the last thing he expected was. .

Theopold, the Chicken of DOOM!!!

AHHHH!!!  Not Theopold, the Chicken of DOOM!!!

Yes, tis I!  Theopold, the Chicken of DOOM!!!

Do we have to say Theopold, the Chicken of DOOM!!! in every slide?

No. . .

I could EAT YOU!!! MWAHAHA!!!

My eye! You ate out my eye, you fiend! I must escape to. . .


Then, in order to escape from enemy agents, he went to France, where he met and fell in love with a monkey by the name of FiFi la Monkee.

Then he met her husband. . .

So he ran to the US Capitol building to request political asylum.

And the President said: "NO!"

So they locked him in a closet with nothing to eat but a flashlight and it's batteries.

As he was tunneling out of the closet, he saw something in the distance.  It was. . .


After posing for a quick picture, Frederick the Love Monkey took a cruise to . . .

The fiery lake of burning sulphur that is the second death!

But he was saved by Theopold, the Chicken of DOOM!!!, who had a sudden change of heart.  "So, where do you want to go?"


Where he took trumpet lessons . . .

From Sauron! Lord of Mordor!

Considering Sauron was just a giant eyeball, he needed Frederick the Love Monkey to help him take over the world!!!

And all in time to be home by 2:30.




March 14 2006
that was absolutely amazing!

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

March 14 2006
hahahah that offically made you my new favorite band kid. ever. lovee.


March 14 2006
i have to say AMAZING! i miss you ben! love you!

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

March 14 2006
hahah that comment made me laugh.. a lot. ha.

Becky A.

March 14 2006
Someone a little bored?

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

March 14 2006
ahahah and that comment made me laugh even harder. haha

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

March 14 2006
Cause everything is rent!


March 14 2006
Could you not SLEEP!?!? I had that problem on Monday night. Like asleep at 2:30ish and up at 5. Well it was interesting!

Ben Moser

March 14 2006
it was like a year or two ago when brian came over for the night.


March 15 2006
"did you eat paint-chips as a kid?"

Hawaii Boys

March 15 2006
First, Turd that made me laugh, second where in the fat did the clay picture come from? Third I now feel stupider for reading that blog, fourth it’s one of the best romance stories ever!!! Great jog, I laughed, I cried, I loved and I lost….you should so try to sell it to Hollywood -Hodge


March 15 2006
wow....somebody takes the good stuff and doesn't share ;) bravo, including trumpet lessons in the story. makes me proud

the brian king kenobi

March 15 2006
I REMEMBER DOING THAT!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (and i love how my hands/torso are in every photo)

beth cooper

March 15 2006
lol, that was so great im pretty sure that just made my morning!!

Carol Nixon

March 15 2006
wow... thats pretty amazin......


March 15 2006
that monkey can kick curious georges butt


March 15 2006
Wow. That is the most amazing story EVER!

Rachel Chase

March 15 2006
YAY! nice ^^

meredith taylor

March 15 2006
That was pretty entertaining!!! Very cool story! see you tonight at church! Meredith


March 15 2006
that was extremely entertianing. kool puzzles, by the way.

Betsy Wetsy

March 16 2006
HAHA that is amazing omg! lol... you have alot of 3D puzzles! wow okso i love you bye!