How to deep fry ice-cream.

August 15 2007
I want to thank a one Chris Harrelson for assiting me in writing this...welll at least the idea. I know it is long but I find it pretty darn good.

Don't know you but I am just saying.... I think it is kinda silly to say you are not going to date (unless you are just comming out of a relationship or so)...although there is nothing wrong with it. I did that for awhile....I strongly believe that dating leads to marriage. That is why you should date someone to see if you could marry them so if you dely your dating then you would dely finding the right person...No I don't think that if you date someone that means you would marry them...No I don't think that you should pick certain people who you think you would marry and only date them. Dating is to see if you could last with them, not if you will; although I do not believe in dating as in hey lets date because you are hot, oh wait this chick is hotter and I can do her. I hate that. I don't believe there is one right person for everyone because if that was so then not many people are going to end up with the right person because no one is perfect (well htere was this one guy but we killed him) so people would end up with a bunch of differant people. So that would just not work. Love takes work. If you choose not to work then you choose not to love. Love is deeper than skin; therefore I don't believe in love at first sight. But does that mean marrying someone is just who you can tolerate for the rest of your life? Shoot I don't know but I plan on only marrying someone who I can tolerate. But then how do you know when you meet that person? Like I said before it takes work. Expect to work for relationships...I think. because if being with one person forever was so dang easy there would not be so many divorces. I think it is the people who are lazy and don't want to work are the ones left a lone or bailing 2 or 12 years into it. Or maybe something happend. But I think that if you love that person then things will wade out because the truth is "The couples who are truly right for eachother wade through the same crap as everybody else but they don't let it take them down and if they are real lucky someone will say something."  yes yes from scrubs but it is still true. I hope that all of you who made it this far have learned something, if nothing else that I am a rambling idiot. Or maybe you heard just what you need to.

photo from


August 15 2007
i'm not gona say anything


August 15 2007
what is the point is saying I have nothing to say the whole reason I posted this was to get remarks on it. to see what people have to think.

♥ eyes...♥

August 15 2007
you're not a rambling idiot...that's about it. but i agree with some stuff

Tyler Lowery

August 15 2007
this is really good. . . very well done

Rachael Moore

August 15 2007
hmmm... i disagree with a lot of that... but the main point i do disagree with is "the one" thing. i know that nathan is the one for me. i know that he is the one God has chosen for me. i prayed and prayed and waited and waited. and we both knew that we were meant to be together. God is ever so faithful. and it takes a lot of patience to wait for that the one, but it is so worth it. when God brings two people together it is like nothing you can even imagine.

Rachael Moore

August 15 2007
ohh and i took a year off of dating. and it was one of the best times of my life. my relationship with God flourished like never before. i think before you can truly love someone else and have a healthy relationship you need to be content with your relationship with God. and realize he is the love of your life... he is truly everything you need. i think it is awesome he is doing that... he will most definitely learn a lot.

JTucker Millard

August 15 2007
I'm not gunna write my thoughts as a remark, cuz I'm afraid it'll be way too big. But I'm gunna write it as a blog. But hey, this still counts as a remark. : )

Erin:: lub my flower.

August 16 2007
uhmmm ... i agree w. a lot of it , to an extent!!!!! im gonna write a blog about it , but i wanted to say i agreew. Rachel , i think God has a specific person in mind for me!! when he created me , he made someone else in mind of me!!!!! or me of them ... i also , think its good to be picky!!!! NEVER LOWER YOUR expectations!!!!


August 16 2007
i like that

Kaelynn Malugin

August 16 2007
Awwe that's really cute