
May 15 2007
So, I'm done with the tomatoes.... : ) By the way, did you know that when tomato juice gets in a cut it burns???? Yup, I found that out the hard way.
We have a presentation at Elizabeth's church....grrrr kid....Making us get up so early. J/k Actually, I think it should be fun. I hope!!! : P Anyways, I'm doing Carmen's part in Take You at Your Word....need I say more?? Ok, I'm almost positive that she does it a whole lot better then me. And since I didn't get a chance to practice it at our actual practice time I'm left to figure it out by myself. This should be interesting. Hopefully I won't mess it up too much...please pray for me. : )
Did I mention that I'm going to the Amish tomorrow? Yes, it is that time again. This will be our sixth or maybe seventh, I can't remember, summer going out to them. Every year we do the same thing, get the same stupid flies and the best strawberries ; )

Erin:: lub my flower.

May 16 2007
hey hey hey you talking bout my hick church i wish yall lived closer 2 me !!! hey you know what when we get to the teen center im gonna ride w/ you guys so i can show you my house!=) yay! hey picking strawberries are fun!!!


May 16 2007
that would be awesome!!!! ; )