Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

i think maybe i've completely lost it...

September 10 2005
so she's not going out with the same Tyler i liked. that's hilarious. it was all one big freakin misunderstanding. i'm still retarded, but just for different reasons. ha. but, the thing is, i completely got over it. so now everythings all peachy. plus, i lost 6 pounds, and counting! i'm just doing it so that i might have hope of finding a dress for formal..if i even go. i can't even think of anyone to go with. and i'm not going alone. and if i ask the person, am i supposed to pay for everything? i have no idea...but i prollie won't even find a date. w/e. i just don't even care anymore. i'm totally expending all of my energy and hopes on crap that totally does not matter. gosh. i'm such a girl. but i like it that way. love you guys. --Cari

Abby Dee

September 10 2005
hahah you should totally take ME to formal =X (fo-SHO)


September 10 2005
cari jenning i love you

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

September 10 2005
Cari, you're amazing, you know that right?