Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

schoooooool's out for...tornadoes?

August 30 2005
nothing bad happened at my house...::counting, life is aight these days. 3 cheers for a day with no choir! j/k. i got the solo! thankfully i don't have to wear a prom dress this time...hardy har. instead i get to be extremely white, and sing part of Oh Happy Day....ha. nayways, school yesterday was pretty good. Nick sounds like a Mexican in Spanish. Kinda like the guys on the Mexican channel. nayways, um...i had an extra day to do my ever so comprehensive history worksheet, and all of my algebra. i guess i'll just be a nerd and do homework all day...but also, i rented Final Destination last night. i hope it's good. i can't believe all these movies i've never i actually started doing my quiet time again... but God's been gving me all these verses about wisdom, knowledge, and leadership...hmmm...i, this is something that's been weighing on my mind lately. we were watching this video in Biology, and it was about the worldwide overpopulation problem. so like, there was a lot of scenes of dead/dying children, illegal abortion, and things like that. and i've always thought that it would be wrong to go overseas and pass out birth control, but that video really made me think. now granted, it was plenty biased, and i recognize that, so i'm not being blindly led into new opinions. i still oppose abortion, too. but i just can't find anything in the bible that says that birth control (preventative) is unacceptable...and i got a lot of flack from certain people for saying, any thoughts? if someone knows of or finds anything about it in the Bible, let me know...i dunno why random stuff like this bothers me, but it does..who knows...

song du jour-- "Good People"-- Jack Johnson

Rebekah Minor

August 30 2005
ill see you tonight!

Rachael Moore

August 30 2005
awww but i won't see you guys anymore because i have to work now. sad. i hope you guys have fun! i love you cari!


August 30 2005
Well I don't think there's anything wrong with taking birth control pills when you just do not want to run the risk of having ten children! That would be not responsible! I definitely am totally against abortion though because that is death of an already formed life. The way I see it, if the life is not already formed, and you're preventing it from being formed, it's not wrong. I can be way off base with that, but I think that's what most people believe and that's where I currently stand, because I said before, I do not want to run the risk of having ten children when I will probably be able to afford that or handle that!


August 30 2005
ya im all for the pill but far from fond of .... murder ya abortion isnt cool i remember that video the carrying capacity thing see ya tomorrow love ya