Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

"Well, look who just stepped in a big pile of sassy..."

August 28 2005
ahhhhhhhhhhh...leadership retreat was so much fun. rachael meyer is the love of my life and i could not live with out her...but seriously, we did have a lot of fun and a little bit of an emo talk...but those are the best kinds... ...brian king is filarious, as well as Elizabeth Duncan, Chris Madison, and Ben Yeargan....omg... i laughed until i couldn't breathe....alex lewis made up the ever so politically correct name "Gayfer McGaygay" along with Hoey McHoho, Fatty McFatfat, and
Faggy well as claiming that he and Ben are "Gay for Jesus" which is funny in an extremely sacreligious sorta way...lord have times. watched Mean Girls again last night...i forget how funny that movie is.. Kevin G. is my lover....and also, i watched Phantom of the Opera...for storey.."CAH! CAH CAH CAH CAH! Why you alwaysasprayamahchin?" and for some reason, the food was really good too. i'm excited about getting to help head up the prayer team. woot woot. chris madison is freakin hilarious..." i got Chi-ed, and, um...lots of other stuff that i'm too tired to write right love my church...

Rachael Moore

August 28 2005
umm cari i love you too you know and you didn't even mention my name...i feel rejected

Garrett Haynes

August 28 2005
lol, that was good stuff

Rachael Moore

August 28 2005
haha cari! you make me laugh! thanks! you didn't have to do that i was only kidding probably because i just wanted SOMEONE to appreciate me and make me feel loved. so thanks a lot! you rock!

Sarah Vermillion

August 28 2005
Kevin G. from Mean Girls is totally my hero. I am on the math team, but alas... a bad ass MC, I am not.


August 29 2005