Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

sleep all day

June 10 2005
man. i'm gonna be so busted in the morning. i probably won't go to sleep until about 3:00 this morning, and then i'll have to wake up at about 4:30 or 5:00 to leave for Big Stuf. man. but anyways, i misjudged Fahrenheit's very good. i knew it couldn't be all bad if Ray Bradbury wrote it. went to Wal-Mart yet again yesterday. So apparently yesterday was only "Angry/Deranged Soccer Mom / Hungover Frat Guy" day at Wal-Mart. so many frat guys buying advil and MORE hope i'm not that stupid in college. also, crazy soccer moms. goodness. it's so funny to watch them. they just manage to walk through the super market picking out "healthy" granola bars and "nutritious" snacks, completely unfazed by the 5 children hanging on to their pants and shirts and screaming. but seriously. wal-mart is depressing. i'm really having "Oakland- withdrawal". i miss my friends. but yay. i have a new random crush. but, as i have said before, nothing will come of it, so it's ok. i won't get too obsessed. it's more of an admiration than an infatuation. currently watching Family Feud. crazy asian family that apparently lives under a rock. and they are the champions...sheesh. oh, everyone on earth should watch and/or read "The Stand" by Stephen King. dude. it's long, but good as a mug. i also watched National Treasure again the other day. it was pretty good. a little long, but good. well, i gotta go pack. everyone not going, pray that we don't get eaten by this "tropical storm" that's coming straight to frickin Panama City on Saturday. if we get rained out, i shall be rather sad. but at least i get to stay in a pimp hotel. woot for me. bye guys!

*edit*---i forgot one thing about my wal-mart encounter was also Woodbury Day. never have i seen so many shirts that say things like "Pimpin Ain't Easy" and "Delicious" on 9 year old girls/ 45 year old women (much akin to my experience at the Smyrna Skating Rink...)


June 10 2005
ROFL... Cari your sense of humor cracks me up! Frat boys... soccer moms... Woodbury day... funny... Anyhow, I would advise going to bed earlier than 3 AM... otherwise Saturday is going to be very looooong. I hope we don't eaten by the storm too!

Rachael Moore

June 10 2005
but weather does not prevent God from showing up! the worship will still be sooooo incredible! i can't wait for you guys to experience it. and by the way, you need to tell me about this new crush missy! we will talk tomorrow. see ya bright and early baby! love you!


June 10 2005
mmm 451 is a good book back when erin had o read i i did too its happy oh and random crushes tha tyou know are impossible can be so much fun... than theres the part where they really suck too lol love ya oakland buddy (im goin through withdraw too)