Cari Jennings


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Oakland High School

Sieg Heil to the Delta Beta Sigma Nazis!

August 20 2005
holy crap. you know, i really love Oakland. and i never thought i'd say that. but you know what's getting old? being criticized. i've been getting crap from people all week about being so involved this year in school and other stuff. especially Delta Beta Sigma. i'm really getting tired of people who don't even know what they are talking about criticizing me for being a pledge...gosh... and so many people think i'm selling out because i'm President, and i'm in a bunch of clubs, and all these other things. i'm so tired of being told that i'm a sell-out or that i'm shallow now just because i happen to be well-rounded and happy. gah...some people just suck. so i went to the OHS-BHS football game last night at Blackman. fun times X 3. i saw the whole McFadden posse. (Bridgett, Norrisha, Logan, Britt, and a few others...) plus like, a bunch of my friends were there. and i loves me some band kids. except for this one little freshman jerk...grrr....anyways. Oakland was spanking Blackman when i left, so YAY FOR OHS!! i was trying my hardest to find cloudy day...but it wasn't workin out. but that's ok. maaaaann....i love OHS games days....and that's all i have to say about that. oh yeah, so i'm just hanging out at the game last night, and a bunch of Delta Beta Sigma (i'm not allowed to abbreviate) members were there. so freakin Brittany comes up to me and taylor, and is like, "you guys really need to go up to all the members again and ask them if they want candy." and i already had once that night, but she stayed on my butt about it the whole time, so i went back, and then freakin none of them gave me any sunshines! poop on them. and then Liz told me i needed to wear my pin. grrrrr.....nayways... i am in love with all of my classes this year. Biology is great, but i think i'm gonna fail. all i do is stare at people. algebra 2 is the shiz. so here is the crowning moment of the year.
Kaitlin Beck: (whispering really loudly in a completely silent room) " Hey Cari! Do you have any feminine hygene products?"
Me: "No..."
Kaitlin: "Damn... Hey Milly! Do you have any feminine hygene products?"
Milly: "No..."
Kaitlin: "Damn..."
and then, this freshman kid that we call Moonpie says, "Hey Patrick.." and the room freakin explodes in laughter. he definitely wins the "Coolest Freshman of the Year" award. so anyways. then i have history, which is all freshman...and there's this one who said hi to me everytime i was within 100 feet of's a pretty good class. then i have espanol...which is great, but i'm gonna fail because i stare at then i have choir...which is freakin hilarious. we're all so white. and last, but certainly not least is english, which i love, even though i have sit beside Allison Murphy. but that's ok. i'll be nice. but i also sit behind Tyler, and in front of Milly, and Kaitlin, and near Matt G. so all is well with my world. today is the 1 year anniversary. i'm a little perturbed by all these people going to the Cherry Tree today for the concert. like, i understand people going to the concert that didn't know him, but most of the people he was really close to are going. even Cory. but who knows. maybe that's how they deal with it. but it's rather strange that the first thing i thought of when i woke up was that day. i really miss him you guys. and i know i say that all the time. but yesterday was killer. thankfully, i don't get picked up at the annex anymore. that would have been way too hard. and i'm so glad that the game was an away game. but i just hate the fact that only a year ago, he was here. and i still had a best friend. gosh. well, i better quit talking about it before i work myself into a frenzy. overall it's been a good week. so i guess i should count my blessings. love you guys.---Cari

Rachael Moore

August 20 2005
cari, you make me laugh. i am sorry about the criticism you are getting. i think it is great how many things you are involved in! that provides more opportunities for you to get to know people and be an example. way to go! don't listen to those other people. most likely they are just jealous. you are waaaayyy cool and they know it. just continue to be your cool cari self. and i am praying for you today. and i didn't go to ellen's candle light thing. but a lot of her closer friends did. i just couldn't handle that. everyone deals with things in different ways. if you want to talk or hang out today (or anytime!) then give me a call! i love you my cari! you are GREAT! i am excited that we ACTUALLY have bible study tuesday! yay for that! you are in my prayers. love you!


August 20 2005
ahahaha Kaitlin was telling us about that in theatre. that's just awesome.


August 20 2005
I don't understand why it would be such a big deal that you're involved with school... getting involved is good, so long as you're glorifying God. You'll always face people like that, but just focus on what God wants, and that's all that matters.


August 20 2005
Congrats on being a DBS, my mom was. And also for being, (I'm assuming class) president. Get involved and have fun, do well, that's what high school's about, and if people are giving you crap about being happy and successful, just ignore them.