Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

dang: part 2

September 09 2006

question: why would God allow someone to feel something for a certain person when they are not supposed to?

Brandon Ray

September 10 2006
i know this feeling...and i don't quite understand it, but it has sumthing to do with getting to understand what someone is feeling when they haven't told you so you can help them...?


September 10 2006
i am right there with ya. so right there. and it's one of those things where [ateleast what i'm doing] is just telling God "alright, if it's meant to be, I'll go on with it, but if it's not, just let me know and help me to get over it" yeah...tis my perspective..have a great day!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

September 10 2006
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials OF MANY KINDS, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:2-5


September 10 2006
"not supposed to" takes on a whole different meaning (a null one) when you consider God's sovereignty. His plan and timing are always perfect, and the end result is always better than the beginning... it just may take a little while. I can't honestly look back on my life and say, "I would not do that again if I had the chance."

the brian king kenobi

September 10 2006
if God's allowing it, then it was "supposed to" happen. No ifs, ands, or buts. and i know exactly what you mean too well. talk to me if you need to. 901-7678-6404. i'm bored here. :)

Garrett Haynes

September 10 2006
its called hormones

Garrett Haynes

September 10 2006
they suck

Rachael Moore

September 10 2006
maybe its not that God is allowing it but one chooses to feel something for someone. many times i have liked someone only for it to be on my own bad choices. God was not allowing me to, i was simply making up MY mind to do so. and in the end, God took my mistakes and used them for His good.

Rebekah Minor

September 10 2006
maybe its not God making person A feel strongly about person B. maybe its God telling person A they shouldnt feel strongly for person B...


September 10 2006
mmmmm i was there for quite some time (4 or 5 months, end of the school year through the summer) i knew it wasnt what God wanted and then something happened and it really hurt.... but i kept liking him and idk why. it just was there. theni got to school and God showed me that it wasnt meant to be. idk what was different from alll the other time i had spent with him but God was just like wah-bam!! and i was like OK.... hope things work out for you babe! much love - milly