Cari Jennings


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Oakland High School

"what time is it? HALF PAST CANCER!"

June 11 2006

**edit** i really shouldn't be so trusting. i kinda wondered if George Carlin actually said any of that, being as it was the opposite of just about everything he normally says...but w/e. so kudos to whoever actually said it. I'm just sooooooooooo sorry Will.

ha...i found this quite funny, and quite true to my own opinions...

"I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some mid level governmental functionary be it Democratic or Republican!

I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!

I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart American.

I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything.

I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, try to do it in English.

My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and whoever canceled Jerry Springer.

I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor.

I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time arguing about it.

I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years In the desert after getting chased out of Egypt. I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut up already.

I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse Jackson practices, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one?

I think cops have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.

And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my drivers license. I think it's good..... and I'm proud that "God" is written on my money.I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.

I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.

And what is going on with gas prices... again?"

---whoever actually said these...

nayways, so this weekend, i got to go on a surprise vacation to Hilton Head Island, SC! WOOT! it was beautiful. we got to stay in a condo for free, and we went to the beach, and to a pier, and a lighthouse, and all that jazz. i got a pretty good burn but it'll turn into a tan soon. i saw dolphins (up close), a manatee, sea turtles, a giant scary prehistoric-looking crab, live sand dollars, and a bunch of other stuff, while swimming in the ocean. and man, there's nothing like walking on the beach at night, under a full-moon, listening to Jack Johnson...dang. i heart the beach. wow. 'twas amazing. nayways, a bunch of my church homies are in St. Louis right now, so i'll be prayin for them. anyways, i'mma hit the sack now, cause i'm dead freakin tired...'nite.----Cari

p.s. ---one of Laura Beth's classmate's mom died this morning, very suddenly, so pray for their family. this little girl is going to have to start high school and everything without her mother, and i can't even imagine how hard that's gonna be. so keep them in mind.

Sarah Vermillion

June 11 2006
Were all of those remarks from George Carlin?


June 12 2006
Your trip sounds like it was great! I hope that myu beach thang is as fun. Who lost their mom? Was it someone at McFadden?


June 12 2006
hah, George Carlin didn't write any of those. and for proof.


June 12 2006
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE those quotes! Oh my goodness, especially after my class today and the convo Garrett and I had at lunch. In fact, the first quote fits perfectly with things we talked about today!


June 16 2006
I must let you know that some of these don't go with "What Jesus Would Do." I'd reconsider you agreeing with it.