Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

Yo ho, yo ho, a streaker's life for me...

October 29 2005

man. that made my year. Kurt Simmons is my new hero. poor kid. i can't believe that they put him in least he left his undies on. i swear. that was great. so last night i got to see Morgan Swoape, which was awesome. i haven't seen her in about a million years. i also saw Analisa and Zach, plus a few others. the game sucked, so i left after Kurt was worth the $5 just to see that. anyways, i'm really proud of myself this week. i've gone the entire week curse-free and i've really been working on the whle negativity/sarcasm thing. i'm really excited about the direction my life is starting to turn. i'm mega-excited about Fall Retreat. yay rah. i think Thursday was the worst day i've had since Bruce died. it was the day of the powderpuff football, and i was stressed out as crap. firstly, people were yelling at me left and right about shirts, cans, and all other crap. then jenny didn't even have a shirt for me. so later i had to miss Mr Huffman's class, knowing he was gonna be mad on monday and yell at me. then Mr McClellan made me buy a ticket, even though i came to almost every practice and helped to do everything, and am the freakin president. then, i was using Germani's cell to call my mom to come to the game, and Mr. Scudder saw me, and started screaming (yes, screaming) at me to get off that phone, because how dare i break the rules and use the school's time and yadda yadda yadda...he wasn't gonna confiscate it, but Mrs. Snell butted in and did. So now, Germani and i both have double detention. and i felt awful. so i went into the bathroom and just started bawling crying. i haven't cried that hard in so long. but the thing is, it that i saw it coming. because of the way my life's been going, and how God is revealing Himself to me, i knew that Thursday would probably be the day that Satan would just attack me full force. and this time, i made it through, w/out cursing, w/out giving up, and w/out losing faith. i'm so excited about this new phase in my life. as Clint said, i really feel like i'm getting my "missionary eyes". anyways, yeah. i'm lovin life. congrats to Nathan and Rachael (Moore) ...God really does write the best love stories...can't wait til He writes mine...well, much love to all of you. byekataters --Cari

song of the day: "You've Got A Plan for Me"--More Than Words

Chris Slate,

October 29 2005
yes... kurt is all of our heros... haha... i fealy priveledged to lead the crowd when he was gone... haha

Stephen Hamby

October 29 2005

Nathan Moore

October 29 2005
thanks for the congats...