Cari Jennings


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Oakland High School


October 23 2005
funerals suck. like, more than anything in the world, except for burials. especially when it is a baby. a sweet, innocent baby. gah. i hate this fallen world. i'm tellin ya, today more than ever, i decided that i'm totally ready to go home, though that's obviously not God's plan for me right now. but i just want to go somewhere where everything is perfect, cause it sure ain't happenin here. God has revealed himself to me so much over the past year or so, and yet sometimes i still just have to ask why. and yet even in the worst of circumstances, i can see God at work in this. which i know is easy for me to say, since it's not my son. gosh, you should have heard/seen Rhiannon and Grey this afternoon. I can't believe how strong  they both are. but that miniature casket was the cruelest thing i've ever seen. but i know that (corny as it sounds) he's in a better place. as brother Dean said, he's experiencing perfect knowledge, perfect joy, and perfect love, among other things. and i'm sure that Bruce is psyched to have him there. i was also really touched by how nice everyone in that family is to me. they always make me feel so loved, and i wouldn't trade them for the world. the burial was awfully brutal, plus it was so cold and gloomy, which i think is fitting. i don't like sunn, cheerful funeral days. anyways, just thought i'd tell ya'll a bit about the funeral. love X3 --Cari

song of the day: Yet I Will Praise You ---My Mom (seriously)


October 23 2005
it was a brutal experience, yeah. but the more i really think about it, the more sense it seems to make. Bro. Dean did a great job, as did your Mom. The whole Barker/Gilley family just amazed me.


October 23 2005
I've only been to two funerals in my life. Both were for old people and ended up being more a party than anything. Thankfully, I have no experience with a young person's death. I can't imagine what it must be like. On a seperate note (no pun intended), does your mom have a cd? I would really like one.

Emily W.

October 23 2005
yeah. wow. the gilleys are in my prayers. i know what you mean. i heard a song today on way-fm .. it talked about being homesick.. i am so homesick. this place isn't my home. i want to go home. so desperately. hope you're doing okay! much love!

Anthony Myers

October 24 2005
Funerals are always a heavy weight to cary.