why give up?

March 22 2006

whats the purpose on giving up?....i mean on anything. what good does it do? absolutley none. sure its the easy thing to do but why not fight? fighting is what has kept me spiratually alive. without fighting i would have fell back into depression. i would be doin no tellin what. i havnt always been sweet carol as everyone has known me. before i moved to murfreesboro and got into church i was not a happy acquaintence. god and church is what has gotten me where i am now. and i am not giving up anytime soon. and to those of you that on your way there or have already given up please listen to my advice. god is the only thing that will get you out of your rut. no substance, music, or person comes even close to the one and only savior.

the brian king kenobi

March 22 2006
i like this . . . and i think i needed it . . . thanks.

Garreth \"Karate Explosion\" Blackwell

March 22 2006
i don't even know you but i needed to read that. it's one of those days where i needed to hear that from someone. thanks for being that person.

Just Me

March 22 2006
after tonight...i needed that. thank u carol. i love you

brandi gates

March 23 2006
If only you knew carol