
November 02 2005

Halloween was a lot of fun!!

Jessica has most of the photos on her webpage...I can't seem to get my computer to work so..yeah


October 27 2005

So I went to the doctor about my knee, and he says there is a possibilty that my bone might be dead!(Chondromalacia of Patella) Which sounds really scary, and I have no idea what is going to happen if that is the case.

I am pretty much out of dance for a while...the last football game of my life to dance at, and my doctor won't let me!!

I have an MRI sometime soon to see what is really going on...


October 13 2005
Based on what I've said in my lifetime, I think talking can get you into trouble or at least make you regret certain conversations. I have also found there are many way to regret the conversations.

Of course you regret the times you have never had the heart to say what was on your mind, and the times when you did get the courage to say something, but you should have just kept your mouth shut.

But you can also regret a conversation because it upset the other person. In the long run, you truly meant what you said, but you only regret it now because of how the other person reacted.

There's also the similar scenario where you said something, and meant it then, but now you have changed your mind. And the person you told remembers what you said quite clearly, and acts differently towards you based on what you've said. The sad thing is, you have changed your mind, but telling them otherwise would be entirely too complicated and confusing.

Fall Break

September 29 2005
Florida here I come!!

Having the whole week off from school is going to be absolutely wonderful!!!


September 04 2005
My first days of work went surprisingly well...aside from a kid getting a squishy pencil grip stuck on the ceiling, and me giving change back in dimes.

Siegel beat Oakland friday, that was pretty awesome.

I still stand by the fact that I hate scary/ suspenseful movies...I don't see the entertainment in them... Although, I would sit through Red Eye again just to see the credits


August 28 2005
Senior Year is starting off slow...I'm not sure I like my clases...

I have a car now... after two years of waiting...I'm pretty excited about that :-P

I got a job...wasn't really looking for one, but my sister's boss asked me if I wanted to work for her...the way I see it, I could always use a little more money.

My senior picture proofs are in...I shall be posting those later


August 08 2005
I should probably write on this...but I dont have anything to say


June 27 2005