
August 22 2007




May 26 2007
Take ‘em away, take ‘em away, Lord
Take away these chains from me
My heart is broken ‘cause my spirit’s not free
Lord take away these chains from me


December 15 2006
I just deleted my entire buddy list!

Christmas Gift Suggestions:

December 13 2006

To your enemies--forgiveness

To an opponent--tolerance

To a friend--your heart

To a customer--service

To all--charity

To every child--a good example

And to yourself--respect


November 19 2006

Hello Phusebox world

It's a been a long time.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I am SOO excited about everyone coming home!!! YAY 

New York

July 19 2006

I'm back!

It was fabulous. I don't think I have danced 7 hours a day for a week ever. But I have also never performed in a broadway theater on 42nd street before either.

Radio City Rockettes

July 06 2006

YaY!!! I go to New York this Saturday!!! Not only do I get to spend an entire week in NYC, I get to dance with THE Radio City Rockettes!!!

My sister and I have booked tickets to see ABT's Romeo and Juliet, Hot Feet, and Wicked. Plus we are going to the MET, and shopping...lots :-) YAYNESS

I have found...

June 12 2006

updating my blog is hard when I don't have 6 class periods of nothingness.

Summer is here. For being so eventless, it has been entirely too stressful. Between work, registering for classes, last minute scholarships, my dad's campaign, VBS, Miss Tennessee, and my final dance recital (I'm in 8 dances), my summer has been crazy.

I am in serious need a pool and some good old girl talk. The only problem is finding the time!


May 11 2006

2 days left of highschool! ~woot~


April 30 2006
yeah, it was fun! Pictures later...

flying monkeys

April 21 2006

and term papers at night make for an interesting morning


April 10 2006
Nice is overrated in the face overwhelming stupidity


March 20 2006
What an eventful weekend!!


March 17 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Bye Computer

March 13 2006
So I get my computer back for 2 months, if that and I make it crash again. It's possible that I will lose everything!  It's like an evil deja vu. Poor Poor computer, he probably hates me.


March 06 2006
greer is beautiful.
i think i'm in love with her, because she's amazing.
the way she looks . . . the way she smiles . . . the way her hair lightly floats in the breeze . . .
one day, she will be mine.


March 01 2006
Highschool facebook people can be friends with college people now!! YAY!


February 27 2006

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."
- William Shakespeare

"If everything is under control, you are going too slow."
- Mario Andretti

"Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt."
- Mark Twain

"Happiness is good health and a bad memory."
- Ingrid Bergman

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


February 23 2006

Happy Birthday to me!!

and Happy Birthday to Lana, too!


February 19 2006

...4 days and counting til I am 18....

Katie Peay is excited.

 I am going to attempt to drive to Nashville tomorrow depending on the weather, and my aunt's willingness to die. There will be lots of shopping on President's Day regardless. :-)

Happy Valentine

February 14 2006


Brian King is pregnant. So what?


January 30 2006
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

Good Luck

January 26 2006

My Sister is in Miss MTSU this Saturday! I am super excited for her! I just wanted to wish her good luck.  I'll have pictures of her dress up later. She is SO pretty!!!