i love

January 13 2006

so it's another weekend.

up until a little while ago, i wasn't going to get to see Kohry. but now there's a chance he might come up.

so it's a maybe.

he didn't have a good day.  -_-  i wish i could be there for him.

i'm seeing BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN tomorrow!! or, i'm supposed to. you know how plans never really work out exactly the way you plan them. but still...


i really miss Kohry.

i really miss my friends.

and i want school to be over so that Kohry can come live here.

and i want my friends to meet him.

it'll happen. i just have to be less selfish and more patient.

peace out bi-atches.


January 13 2006
I'M ANGRY. There's a trip going to Japan this summer, but its right at the end of June, till like mid-July, I guess. But thats right when I go to camp!!!! >:OOOOO angerrrrrrr. Anywhooo.... >.> "Patience is a virtue"... yo. So. You are now virtuous. Woohoo. :] And damn lucky. Don't speed things up.


January 13 2006
Does HTML work in these comments? 'Cause that would make things SO much better <br> Yeah.


January 13 2006
IT DOES!!!! HTML WORKS IN COMMENTS!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!! hold on, lemme repost my first comment.


January 13 2006
I'M ANGRY. There's a trip going to Japan this summer, but its right at the end of June, till like mid-July, I guess. But thats right when I go to camp!!!! >:OOOOO angerrrrrrr. <br><br>Anywhooo.... >.><br><br> "Patience is a virtue"... yo. So. You are now virtuous. Woohoo. :] And damn lucky. Don't speed things up.


January 24 2006
yeh i saw the movie this past weekend, it was good, but its a tear jerker, i cried like 5 times in it, but the movie was awesome , ttyl <3