December 07 2005

and now a VERY happy birthday to CARI JENNINGS!

we went to Starbucks for her bday. (i know, i'm there ALL the time!) and saw Nathan Moore and Rebecca St. James! way crazy. and of course a TON of amazing people from school! i'm pretty sure Cari had the best birthday ever. and i'm glad we could give it to her.

i have to admit though, i'm in that funk again where i'm not good enough for myself. and it BLOWS. i feel like i'm just not mature and -college- and coffee-housey enough. and for some reason i feel a little inferior (right word?) about my style, even though i know it's cool and that i like it.

so to me - whatever, stephen.

tons of love


December 07 2005
Stephen Turner! Gosh it's been a long time...

kelsey shearron

December 07 2005
uhm okay stephen. YOU ARE WONDERFUL, more than wonderful!... as who you are!!!!...you dont have to be MORE mature or MORE coffee loving or MORE collegy!!!...YOU just being you is what matters!! i think a lot of these feelings are due to your self esteem!...you do not ever have to prove anything to anyone..and im sure that you are like yea kelsey i know i know....but do you!!? Do you know that people adore you? That you are so very unique and so much fun to be around?!! Stephen i love you so so so much and im sorry that im leaving like a freakin essay for you to read...just know that im here and i care about you. -kels


December 08 2005
hi! ~tRISH

Carly Gee

December 09 2005
i'min that mood at this very second. i'm sitting in the computer lab. it's cilent and all there is to do is wallow in self pity. on a lighter note.. i heart you :)

Carly Gee

December 09 2005
.... *silent