i feel really stupid

October 26 2005

don't you hate it... when you meet some person, and like... you say too much? not necessarily too much information, but like... too many words. or messages or comments or whatever. and then they're freaked out or whatever and won't talk to you... and you want to apologize, but that would just make it worse, so you just have to sit there and wait for them to come around. doesn't that suck?

yeah. it does.

maybe i'll just never start a conversation with anyone ever again. then i'll know who actually wants to talk to me.

eh... that might work, but that's a pretty stupid way to live.

yeah. it is. and now i sound really emo and lame.

what can you do?

Sarah Vermillion

October 26 2005
Thanks for the tip about that link. For some reason, when I try to type in links, the website automatically adds "phusebox.net/" to the beginning of it. Yet it always goes away when I go to fix it. *shrug*


October 26 2005
luv your icon pic.... I luv Dashboard Confessionals

Kylie Boy

October 26 2005
aww, don't do that. Being quiet is not fun...and it doesn't sound like you. Your personality is much to big to stay quiet.