I Love Weddings...

October 01 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

J-Mo: You are gonna put us up on the Phuse, right?

The wedding was so beautiful and sweet and great! Happiness...

Be sure to check out the other pictures in my photo box.

By the way, does anyone have an extra program from the wedding? I accidentally left mine at the reception and I really wanted one.

Other quotes from the day:

Me: (reading the recipe from the reception favor) One teaspoon of patience?! They'll need a lot more than that!

Sarah: This makes me happy.
Me: That Chris is married?
Sarah: No. Well that... but what I meant was my latte.

Garrett (to Graham): I'm going to throw sand at you at your wedding.

*EDIT* HOLY CRAP MTSU JUST BEAT VANDY!!!!! I THINK I'M GONNA FAINT!!!!! That is officially the most AMAZING thing I've ever seen!


October 01 2005
I like the latte thing. that was funny.


October 02 2005
it's not that i wasnt telling everyone, it just didnt happen that long ago.it just happened pretty recently. piece


October 02 2005
i have an extra program! it was bj's and he decided he didn't want it and rach has one too so we ended up w/ 3...so i'll be sure to get it to ya!