It's Not Easy Being Green

September 30 2005
Or whatever color you are.


Interesting day. Let me start with yesterday afternoon. I found out that I was being relocated from honors to human sciences for my scholarship work because the honors college secretary LIED and said that I never do my work and I spend all my time in my mom's office talking to her. NOT TRUE!

That hurt a lot. A WHOLE lot. I'm not used to not being liked, or lied to, and especially not by an adult!

I went to the human sciences department this morning to talk to them about switching over and they were so nice. I'm so glad I'll be working there instead.

So my school day was pretty good.

Then after school (and lunch with my mom at McAlister's where I saw Becky) I had many driving around- turning at all the wrong places journey. I was going to stop by parking services on my way to Wal-Mart, but I turned into the wrong place. Then I couldn't figure out the right place to go from where I was so I gave up. So then I went to Wal-Mart, but not without making a wrong turn, and when I got there, my bladder was about to explode so I went into Dairy Queen. I couldn't figure out how to lock the door, and some girl opened the door on me. And then I made it to the Wal-Mart gas station, just to learn that despite what "low" price they supposedly had yesterday, today their gas was 2.99, just like it is everywhere else in town. All the trouble I could have saved if I had known...

Whew... what a time all that was. I'm glad it's the weekend.

Yesterday evening my J-group girls sang me happy birthday, and they even had a cake and a card for me! It was so sweet!

Tonight: Shopping!
Tomorrow: Chris and Emily's wedding!


September 30 2005
hehe... i love adventures! Who's J are you in?


September 30 2005
sounds like you had a grand adventure!


September 30 2005
Wow. Gas here is about 2.69. o.O Crazy...