Wow... People Are Sooooo Stupid...

September 13 2005
These quotes are ridiculous! I ran across them on a blog site I am analyzing for an assignment in my Understanding Mass Media class. Here are some of the most obnoxious quotes concerning Hurricane Katrina and what I want to say to those who said them:

"You 60 million losers who voted for this loser open YOUR wallets. This president declared war on the poor long ago, and while some of us cared enough to vote for someone who gave a ****, you buried your heads in the sand, babbled about abortion and family values, and voted for the doofus.

"And now you want to act all high and mighty and come asking me for a buck or two to help these poor people? Sorry, Charlie. Take an extra buck or two out of the fund you set aside to buy seventeen Support Our Troops magnets to stick all over your car to show how patriotic you are.

"You want disaster relief? Impeach George W. Bush." -- Blunderford at Blogcritics

Oh, I'm so sorry we care about family values! And since when is President Bush declaring war on the poor? By cutting taxes? And maybe you should help the hurting despite how you feel about the President. And I'm sure impeaching him is really going to help the hurricane effort... riiight... only if that means stupid heads like you will donate money then. If that's the case, I'll gladly give more to pick up your slack.

"You literally cannot continue to exist unless we blue-staters give you money. The situation is that simple. You have been leeching off of us for years, and now you depend on our charity for your very lives. So if you Jesusmaniac simpletons really want that cash, you will just sit there and SHUT UP and not say ONE **** WORD in your defense. BUSH CAUSED THIS DISASTER. YOU CAUSED THIS DISASTER BY VOTING FOR BUSH. You don't like that message? Then don't take our money! If I read ONE MORE article in which a science-hating red state pundit attacks progressives, I'm going to take the money I was going to donate to disaster relief and spend it on a nice Thai meal. And I'm going to suggest that all other progressives do likewise. I'm going to say "DROWN AND DIE, YOU ARROGANT HILLBILLY SOUTHERN-FRIED LEECHES!!" -- Joseph Cannon from Cannonfire explains his views on disaster relief

Yes, Bush caused the hurricane to form over the warm tropical waters... oh what's that... a Republican who said something scientific? What what?! And if you knew any daggum thing about science you would know that science backs up the Bible. Too bad you're too selfish and arrogant to admit that someone besides you may be in control. By the way, I wear shoes.

"You know, some people are stealing and they're making a big deal out of it. Oh, they're stealing 20 pair of jeans or they're stealing television sets. Who cares? They're not going to go too far with it. Maybe those people are so poor, some of the people who do that they're so poor they've never touched anything in their lives. Let them touch those things for once." -- Celine Dion

Maybe you should go touch a Bible.

"If it was a bunch on white people on roofs in the Hamptons, I don’t have any ******* doubt there would have been every single helicopter, every plane, every single means that the government has to help these people." -- Colin Farrell

Wow... you're an idiot.

"Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day, let alone getting them out of the city in front of a hurricane." -- Part of Sen. Mary Landrieu's explanation for why New Orleans didn't use city buses to evacuate

So this makes their failure to evacuate Bush's fault how????

"As I saw the African Americans, mostly African American families ripped apart, I could only think about slavery, families ripped apart, herded into what looked like concentration camps." -- Cynthia McKinney on the rescue efforts

So now rescuing and helping people is the equivalent of slavery?!

"This President is never gonna do the right thing. I think somewhere deep down inside him he takes a lot of joy about losing people, if he thinks they vote Democrat or if he thinks they're poor, or if he thinks they're in a blue state, whatever his reasons are not to rescue those people..." -- Air America's Randi Rhodes

Bush isn't God. He can't make things better anymore than any of the rest of us. Since he is not God, he is also not perfect, but to say he never does anything right is crazy. Even the worst Presidents have made at least one decent decision. You may have even, but that's hard to say for sure since there is no sign of intelligence in you.

"George Bush doesn't care about black people...They're giving the Army permission to go down and shoot us." -- Kayne West

What's with the Bush-hates-blacks thing? Um... Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell! Hello! And who's shooting you! Go get an education for crying out loud!

Alright, I'm done being mean. I'll be nice tomorrow when I cool off from the world's stupidity.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

September 13 2005
I dunno, I have to say that Colin Farrell has a bit of a point and is probably more right than wrong. And a lot of the people quoted have some very valid comments, they are just mixed in enough with the stupid that it is hard to find them.

Anna Miller

September 13 2005
Colin Farrell makes a halfway valid statement. As for everyone else. . . wow. If Celine Dion is for allowing the looters to go about their bussiness, she ought to just open up her doors. Her remark really bothers me.

Anna Miller

September 13 2005
((graham and i must've sent them about the same time, otherwise i wouldn't have said anything about colin farrel))

Rachael Moore

September 13 2005
all your comments after theirs made me laugh. you are a funny girl amy powers.


September 14 2005
I was going to reply to this last night but Phusebox was acting funky... >>>Again, I like the quotes, but I wanted to note something slightly disturbing about our government. >>>FEMA said they didn't know anyone was in the Superdome until the Thursday after Katrina hit. That's all fine and dandy...except everyone else knew on Sunday, when it was all over the news that the Superdome was open to evacuees who couldn't physically leave the city.