The Day After Tomorrow

August 27 2005
I gave into the trend:
My name supposedly means...
Your natural charisma and charm makes you an influential figure able to inspire confidence in others. Material abundance and emotional contentment are seemingly drawn to you and satisfy your dreams of success. However being humanitarian you find that applying your talents and creative prowess to a worthwhile purpose is far more satisfying than material gain. Your courage, adaptability and determination overcome any obstacles.

The car search continues. I saw an adorable red Ford Escort coupe that looked good, until I sat inside and saw how dirty it was. The dude at the place said that there was a cleaner one that's exactly the same only maroon, and we should be able to check that out in a couple of days. Let me tell you, in general, I don't like Fords, but Escorts are reliable and the sport coupes are just so cute!

The AO party Thursday night was so fun. I'm so glad I went. It was great meeting more AO people, and it eased some of my nerves about college, which is nearly here... will be here the day after tomorrow.

Siegel won their first home game last night. Woot.

Oh yes, and it's my dad's birthday. This is the card I got him:

photo from SingAHappySong


August 27 2005
Hahaha-the card's cute. ^^ And I hope you find a good car.

Nathan Moore

August 27 2005
haha. that's great.


August 27 2005
coupes are the cutest thing that you will ever see!!