Waiting... Waiting... Waiting...

August 25 2005
Well, "work" is over. They didn't need us anymore after yesterday... they ran out of things for us to do... ha ha... plus the guidance office secretary is out of town today and tomorrow. So at least I earned a few extra dollars. So this cracked me up yesterday even more than the living room quote:

Rebecca (looking out the window of the guidance office, observing a girl talking to a guy): That guy looks scared!
*Someone opens the door to the office and we can hear the guy in the hallway*
Guy: Why do you keep talking to me? Get away from me! I don't know you!


So who's going to the AO party tonight? I think I might be. Who's doing We-Haul? I haven't decided yet. Who's ready for college to just hurry up and start so we can get the beginning of the year over with? I definitely am! I'm just ready to be settled into college... but facing this new beginning will just make me stronger. God is showing more and more to not be afraid, and the importance of being brave.

Oh yes, and another question... is anyone free after 12:25 on MWF? We can hang out and eat lunch together! Let me know!

Oh, and I'm still waiting for that video camera and the group of folks to show up at my house...


August 25 2005
Mkay. AO party. Graham and I are going to be there. Along with my old J-Group leader, Ellen. Layne and Chasity. Robin. Jade, probably the Bonins. Who knows who else. Lots of people! We-Haul. Is going to be lots of people from church. Along with most of the leaders from AO. Plus you will get to meet a lot of people and help them move stuff into Dorms. I've been ready for college to start for the past month! You will do just fine. Hopefully I will see ya tonight! Have a great day!

Jessica Goss

August 25 2005
Thank you, Amy. I love you too.

Anna Miller

August 25 2005
I'm so ready for classes to start. . . but I'll probably be nervous Sunday night, lol.


August 25 2005
i'm going to the ao party tonight! and i'm doing we-haul! you should come! it'd be a great way for you to meet some ao people and some people on campus! especially freshmen moving into the dorms! oh! and i'm free after 12:25 on mwf! i get out of class then and i'm done for the day! so we can eat! and i think sarah is too! yay!

Ashley Orman

August 25 2005
yes i can amy powers lol! yay i now have peeps to eat with now! *does happy dance* i love you amy powers, and and zach didnt even bring his blanket for people to sign anyway lol. but i will tell him youre thinkin of him and wish him luck!


August 25 2005
She was scared of being jumped by the Riverdale kids in our parking lot after the game last Friday!! lol.