So Weird...

August 11 2005
It's so weird to read everyone's entries about going back to school today... It sounds like it went well for everyone. I hope I can say the same about my first day of college in appox. 18 days (too lazy to check my math). A girl I met at Customs from Chattanooga is moving here in 9 days for MTSU band camp, and I realize that many people are making this transition. And I have it pretty easy compared to most. I'm staying home this first year, and will have the convenience of being with my parents and having them here to help me.

In some ways... however... it makes me feel less grown up. But I know I'm doing the right thing, and sometimes as a grown up, you have to do what you know is right, even when it doesn't seem right.

I have all my books for school minus English now...

Since everyone's posting their school schedule, I decided I would post mine as well since I never did:

Intro to Earth Science
Math for General Studies
Intro to Earth Science lab
Theatre Appreciation Honors
Experience of Literature Honors
Understanding Mass Media Honors

I'm excited...

Quote of the day: "Mmmm... trans fat."

Anna Miller

August 11 2005
I can't afford to move out.

Ashley Orman

August 11 2005
yeah i do feel luvky havin lived here for awhile and by livin at home, jus think we can offer advice to people who dont know where theyre goin lol! need to hang out soon, give me a call woman! lol ttyl mucho luvies!


August 11 2005
Ya, I got snow...I dont exactly want him


August 11 2005
Supposed to put times.. lol

Haley Farist

August 11 2005
Amy- Hey its Haley from NY whats up. I miss u tons!

Haley Farist

August 11 2005
Amy- Hey its Haley from NY whats up. I miss u tons!

kayla hale

August 12 2005
your schedule looks fun too...yeah my journalism class is awesome...i got all of my freinds to take it with me & i am happy lol...& all my friends are in interior design...they talked me into taking it...i hope it will be fun...thanks for the remark..


August 12 2005
now I don't think that makes you less grown up at all to be living at home...sometimes I wish I wasn't going away b/c I'm gonna miss everyone and all of that jazz. but yeah you're schedule looks like a great one! Have a great day Amy


August 12 2005
that picture was one night at youth. brian got chosen to eat peanut butter. i think its a cool pic.


August 12 2005
they wont stalk you! lol.