The Heart of the Matter

August 10 2005
"Everything you love is what makes a life worth living. Take a moment, set down the book, and make a list of all the things you love... Simply think of all the things you love."

I made a list. I'll share just a few things with you:
~My friends and family
~God's love

"The heart is you. The deepest, truest you."

I am rereading Waking the Dead by John Eldrdge (where the quotes are from) and it is blowing me away once again. When you realize the reality of your life, that God wants you to live fully and radiate His glory... it's amazing. It's the same way when you realize that God wants to capture your heart, that it is the wellspring of your life, from where your desires and dreams flow... it's incredible.

"His [the Enemy's] plan from the beginning was to assault the heart... Of course your heart would be the object of a great and fierce battle. It is your most precious possession. Without your heart you cannot have God... without your heart you cannot have life."

I won't be at church tonight. I'm going with Garrett and his family to his Grandparents'. See y'all later...


August 10 2005
Wow-awesome quote. =)I agree with you-but take away the photography (I enjoy it, but I can't take a good picture to save my life) and put in art. XD

Garrett Haynes

August 10 2005
nope principals of tech is considered a science credit...therefore i am taking that instead of chemistry b/c i didn't feel like taking chemistry.


August 10 2005
love that book! definitely an awesome one to reread!