Why POTC3 is Lost at Sea...

May 25 2007
"But Will and Elizabeth, as
characters, are destroyed. They've become a mass of multiple motivations and
loyalties. Lacking consistency, they're shoehorned into any configuration that
the screenwriters devise, to the extent that when we look at them, we no longer
see Will and Elizabeth. We see Bloom and Knightley gamely struggling to locate
a shred of authenticity in their roles. They don't find it, and it's not their
fault. It's not there." - Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

This reviewer is absolutely correct. I went through the movie, skeptical and wary at first, but slowly giving in to the little pleasures it tossed to me. It was very well made, which I can't resist as someone who is learning how to make good movies. The last ten minutes of the movie, however, destroyed what decency the movie actually had. Just when I thought Disney had righted the wrongs of the second movie, they hanged themselves again! They killed Will and Elizabeth's characters and turned them into completely different people. I know that people change, but the changes here are unnatural and just downright foolish. All I can say is... what a letdown...

I'm anti-human

May 26 2007
I saw the movie too. i was so angry.

At the Crossroads of Life

May 26 2007
I just saw it last night! Errr, it was so disappointing compared to the others! I did notice that it was sorta set up for another movie even though it's a trilogy...

I'm anti-human

May 26 2007
Even if there is another movie, what can they do about IT?

At the Crossroads of Life

May 26 2007
I'm gonna watch it again at the drive in tonight with my bros... I'm gonna see if I missed anything...

Jessica Goss

May 29 2007
Did you watch the scene at the end of the credits? I didn't know that there was one until the other day... the scene really does help to wrap up the whole movie.