A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

January 30 2007
It's only week 3 and I've already felt stressed about school (but it is fading, thank goodness).

It's only Tuesday but I feel the need for the weekend.

But I will survive.

Doing a video project in two weeks is not so much fun, but I think it's going to be ok. For anyone who was considering helping and just haven't gotten back to me don't worry about it, because I've got it figured out now. So now I don't have to worry so much about that now. Phew!

This week is incredibly long. I can't believe it's only Tuesday.

This semester I have discovered TV. Sounding a little silly coming from a TV production major, but it's pretty true. This evening after a long day of school, work, and j-group, I watched American Idol and House. House was really good up until the very last few minutes, which completely killed it! Ugh! It made me upset!

And I'm not going to lie, I like American Idol. I know Simon and them are completely obnoxious at times and I probably shouldn't enjoy it so much... but I haven't really watched it before and from what I've heard Simon has always been rude, so I really have nothing to compare it to either than such statements.

So if you will, pray that God will give me guidance about something. I feel like he's calling me to do something kinda big... which is scary but also very exciting!

Other than all of the above, not to much has been happening to me in my life. Looking back over the past few days, I think I have been warring some settle spiritual warfare (if that's possible... I suppose it is) and I think I'm a lot more focused on Christ this semester than I was last... let's hope it stays that way.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

January 30 2007
House is such a marvelous show, I really love iot like a member of my family.


January 31 2007
i feel stressed about this semester as well. but really just about calculus, and spanish. haha.