The Choice

January 21 2007
I really like something that Brother Dean said this morning in church...

You have to make a choice. You are either for God, or against God.

So then why do we have so many lukewarm, riding on the fence, watered down Christians running around?

Why do we proclaim Christ, supposedly choosing Him, and then turn around and not act like it? Why do we ignore the teachings in the Bible that we don't like and only live out the ones we do like? I know I'm guilty of this. We try to justify our sin (and even the sins of others), regardless of whether or not the Bible addresses that issue directly. It may be a blatant command and we still try to find a way around it.

Why do we want to live like that? If we truly loved God, and if we truly had a relationship with Him, wouldn't we want to (and desire to) live according to His Will, and do exactly what He has commanded? Shouldn't we be so focused on Him in every aspect of our lives (including but not limited to dating and marriage, politics, our career, our major, etc.) that the right thing just naturally flows out, leaving no room for grey and doubt? Why are we worried about leaving God in control when we know that His way is the best way?

So, if you have chosen to follow Christ, and none other, then why don't you start acting like it? Why don't you and I look to Him alone for our every need? If we love Him as much as we claim to, and have a personal relationship with Him as we state we do, then I think we ought to live it out.

eddie sally

January 21 2007
youve brought up a very good point. I think many do that is because it is the natural way we act because of sin. we tend to forget that we have to go to God for everything. i do i all the time. it not because i choose not to follow God. i think its our natural way of acting because of sin.