Free At Last!

December 14 2006
The semester is over.

Thank goodness.

I haven't checked my grades in a while. I know my astronomy grade is up... but yeah... I just haven't gotten around to looking at it... maybe tomorrow. I should be getting all A's minus a B in astronomy. My first college B. But oh well. I worked hard for it. It was a tough class for me. Therefore, I'm proud of it.

Pretty sure that Jolene and I got a 149/150 on our video project. That kicks butt. Now I really have to show it to everyone!

And no more general education classes. That feels almost as awesome as being finished with science forever!

I got to hang out with Ashley Orman tonight! That was nice. I like random hanging outs. And we don't hang out enough. And I exposed her to Pride and Prejudice, aka, the most amazing love story ever! We decided we wanted to be propsed to at a cool building in England in the rain... yeah... probably won't happen... but oh well!

I better get off now... it's 11:06 and I need to work tomorrow. And sell back my books! Yay! No more books!


December 14 2006
pride and prejudice is one of my favorites too! i'm glad she was able to experience it.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

December 14 2006
It is SO not the most amazing love story ever. Especially the fact that it is completely devoid of any rhyme or reason to why they decided they loved eachother. I enjoyed to movie, and found it an interesting period piece, but found the love story 75% unbelievable.

Nathan Moore

December 15 2006

Anna Miller

December 15 2006
Graham I think most love stories ((in the movies)) are 75% believable. But we're girls. So hush!

Anna Miller

December 15 2006
I meant UNbelievable, lol.

Trena Doyle

December 15 2006
a little sore but that's ok


December 15 2006
i cant wait till i'm done with all my gen-ed.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

December 15 2006
Okay, tasty can of worms, lol. It's not that I have a problem with I love story. In fact, I usually get strongly annoyed with books or movies that DONT have a love story, especially if there are characters that I think should be paired off. That said, I dont particularly like unrealistic love stories either. That is the biggest problem with chick flicks, I think. I like them most days, but to a woman who thrives on the emotional, it has roughly the same unrealistic effect on women that pornography has (more of) on men. It gives unrealistic portrayals of relationships and romance. The condensation from the book to the movie is probably part of the issue, but I found "hey, we never see eachother and are practically strangers who hate eachother so I guess we should court" to be slightly less than an interesting romance, lol. *Shrug* Dont just lump me in with guys who just hate the mushy stuff, I'm not one of them, lol. At the same time though, I'm not going to sit there and take "romance" without thinking about it either. I like chick flicks, even though I think they're bad. Shame on me. lol

Rebekah Minor

December 15 2006
i'm actually taking laura collins because she was my lab teacher and i really enjoyed the way she taught. so yeah, i'm glad.

Rebekah Minor

December 15 2006
for social psych i have...littlepage...i dont know much about him/her but i think he/she will be ok