It's Been A Long Road...

September 25 2006
So my whole life (literally) I have believed that I am not allowed to make mistakes.

No one told me to be that way. I wasn't raised to believe that. There weren't any traumatic events in my early childhood. Satan just lied to me long ago and I keep believing it.

And I think... sometimes God lets us make mistakes in order to uplift us.

Yeah... that's what I said...

He lets us fail so we can succeed.

It's paradoxal, but I think it's true.

Because... it's all for His glory... and not for ours.

And I think that's what He wants to show me right now.


September 26 2006
i think you're exactly right


September 26 2006
you're very right on that one...and I mean, nobody is perfect. The only person who can say they were perfect was Jesus Christ, and well He was the Son of God. I think we need to give ourselves slack on some things.I'm not saying we should deliberately do wrong...but when it comes to things like not making a perfect 100 on a test or not having the most perfect paper to turn in for a class. God doesn't want us to beat ourselves up over things like that that we have not much control over. That's something I'm having to learn as well... I wish I could be perfect and do everything right, but I can't and never will be able to because I'm human.

elizabeth duncan

September 27 2006
Amen, sister.