It's All Just Been One Big Lie...

August 24 2006
Rewind to the past. There we sat in our third grade classroom, learning about the solar system. Our teacher asked us, "What is the name of the ninth planet - the smallest of them all?"

And we replied with enthusiasm, "Pluto!" That was an easy one for us to remember, because we loved that dog from the Mickey Mouse cartoons.

"That's right," our teacher smiled at us. "Pluto is the ninth planet in our solar system.

Fast forward to the present. Somewhere today, there is a third grade class learning about the solar system. When class begins the teacher announces, "Well children, you want to know the truth?" She looks down and the students see tears filling her eyes. "You may not be able to handle it."

"What is it, what is it?!" The third graders look at their teacher with wide eyes, horrified, mystified... scared... and afraid.

"Well, I know how I told you yesterday that Pluto was the ninth planet in our solar system. But it turns out that we have all been deceived." She looked up bravely, looking each student in the face, not knowing how to break the news. "Pluto has left the building," she states as gently as possible. The teacher pauses for a moment to sniffle before finally wailing out loud, "Yes my dear children, it's all true! They have decided that Pluto is just not good enough for our solar system anymore! Its title of 'planet' has been taken away."

And there was much mourning and weeping.

Yes folks, it's true. It was just one big fat lie. Pluto is not
a planet, never was a planet, never will be a planet! Poor Pluto is
just too puney, so it must be an asteroid or something of that nature instead. No one loves Pluto.
Pluto's just a reject. What a sad, sad day for Pluto.

There are third graders out there, wanting desperately to learn about the other worlds out there, who have been disocuraged in their efforts because every astronomy book published to date in wrong, wrong, wrong! How deeply wounding it is to have a part of our beloved solar system ripped out and taken away in one instance! We didn't even have a chance to say goodbye...

All this because some scientists wouldn't pick on a planet their own size.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 24 2006
I learned that in my astronomy class from Dr. Klumpe. It's most likely a Kuyper Belt object, which is essentially a large comet with little to no tail.


August 24 2006
and did you know that the holiday of Thanksgiving is all one big lie too?! the colonists of the Virgina Company who founded Jamestown were the first Americans & they were the first to make peace with the Indians.... Plymouth Rock was actually the 2nd colony & they didnt wear the cute little black outfits & didnt have the big fancy dinner! silly history books & elementary teachers.. lieing to us all these years! how sad!

the brian king kenobi

August 25 2006
lol, sad times amypowers . . .