HALLELUJAH! Thank you, Jesus!

July 23 2006
I am very happy to announce that I have successfully made two copies of my video onto CDs, one which shall me mailed in for the contest, and another which I shall keep for my own use to keep (and show off of course)! Turns out the DVD burner was pointless so it looks like we'll be taking that baby back. Anyhow, it doesn't even seem real almost... that it's finally working for me! Please pray pray pray that I win... ok that sounds bad and selfish I suppose... ha ha... but it would just be really awesome! So yeah... if you want to see it... um... I suppose you'll have to come visit me sometime, or I you. I think it'll only play on computers, but at this point I don't care... as long as it plays somewhere! Although I'm also thinking about burning CD to DVD using my mom's co-worker's DVD burner. But yeah... I'm happy that it works now!   


July 23 2006
don't laptops come with DVD burners?


July 23 2006


July 24 2006
well i like to write...but it's just random stuff...i hate writing what ppl tell me to write...and i love to write in my journal and such...but stuff like that...haha it comes out like once a yr or so :o)


July 25 2006
*laughs* Yeah, I posted and then checked my subscriptions and was, like, "....haha."