
July 09 2006
Italy won! Go Italia!
That French guy who did the headbutt... yeah... he's a jerk...
And whoever did the production for the U2 "One" video with all the World Cup series footage, with the very end of the video containing footage from the game that just happened moments before, is my hero. That is hardcore TV production...
Now we should all go eat Italian food to celebrate...

Drew Mitchell

July 09 2006
Yea celebrate that the frickin' thing is over and people will shut up because Soccer Sucks !!!


July 09 2006
Meh. I see that kind of production in sporting events all the time. But it's still good stuff. :)


July 09 2006
Oh, geez...forgot; FORZA ITALIA!

Anna Miller

July 09 2006
I think in this case, the camera crew should get kudos over the editors. Those were amazing shots of the athletes and crowd. And whoever decided One would be the background song should be applauded as well.

the brian king kenobi

July 09 2006
that video was amazing . . . and yes, zidane was a jerk, but overall the french team did a pretty good job . . . i think i was the only person who wanted them to win.

Sara Shaban

July 10 2006
yes...but you have to admit it was quite funny.