July 09 2005
First off, thanks for all the positive feedback on my bear post! That was the result of a terribly boring day... you're right Justin... I do need a job or something else to do... ha ha... Anyhow, I figure if I never get a job in media production or writing, I could always photograph stuffed bears for calendars...

Anyhow, I am declaring a movie night at my place tonight! I know, when does this happen? So I haven't decided on the movie yet, so you can feel free to bring one if you wish. Sorry Michael, we're not going to watch Hitch again! We should probably watch something we've all seen and can make fun of... those are always the best movie nights! Anyhow, the time is 7:00, and there will be snacks and drinks but no real food so please eat at least a light dinner before you come. I don't live in the condo anymore, so if you don't know where my new apartment is at you can call me and I'll let you know. I live significantly closer to most of y'all now than I used to! Anyhow, leave a remark if you plan to come!

Rachael Moore

July 09 2005
amy thanks for the comment and prayers! i love you!!!

kyle cantrell

July 09 2005
so what communications classes are you taking at MTSU this year?


July 09 2005
i'll try and make it. thanks for the invite. piece

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 09 2005
I can come, but I need directions & the like, first!

kyle cantrell

July 10 2005
I'm taking Communications and Information, which is the intro course to the whole electronic media path and then after this it's just levels of journalism and electronic media classes.