Random, But...

April 04 2006
I would love to go back to New York and experience something like Paint the Town again. I really hope God springs something up on me for this summer, because it's currently not looking like much.

So registration for the fall began yesterday. I'm trying really hard to not be concerned about the fact that some idiotic seniors have already stolen eight flippin' spots (out of 73) for the one (because the other one was cancelled) Sight, Sound, and Motion class avaliable next semester, which I need to take in order to apply for canidacy.

My current tenative schedule is the forementioned course, Intro to Literary Studies, Sociology, and Tennessee History Honors. By the way, I would be in Peck Hall for three straight hours on MWF. Fun.

But I digress..

McAlister's on Friday... at 6 I think. Check Garrett's Phusebox. All the cool kids will be there.


April 04 2006
so if i go..ill be cool right?

Anna Miller

April 04 2006
So-- if they're idiotic, doesn't that make you ((and later on me)) idiotic for needing it too? lol.

Rachael Moore

April 04 2006
I have to register on the 11th... yeah... I won't have any classes.... so if you are registering soon be thankful

the brian king kenobi

April 05 2006
cool kids? i don't remember going to mcallisters . . .

Maria Haun

April 05 2006
you should consider doing the tlj summer experience...just a thought!