My Pre-Geology & English GPA is...

December 15 2005


So now... I just have to wait for English to come in and DESTROY it! The beautiful, sweet sound of the perfect GPA that is then crushed to the ground by the teacher who was amazing and yet... aggrivating. I don't know what's taking Abolins so long to post my grade... the final was on a scantron... did we all fail? Is he curving them? Maybe I should be happy he's curving them because I didn't think I did too horribly. But maybe I did... oh horrors... I had a 97 though, so how badly would I have to do on the final to be worried? He said it was just like another test grade, and we had so many other assignments to make tests not too huge of a deal. Well, I don't think I'm going to worry about it. I've learned at least 22,347,825 times that worrying is ridiculous!

I saw Lauren and Dr. Spires today. Dr. Spires said I did a good job. That makes me happy, because he is the head of the EMC department.


December 15 2005
and if i was taking easy classes like that, I would also have a 4.O GPA

Rachael Vance

December 15 2005 will be alright! u are a very smart girl! be blessed! :)


December 15 2005