What I Will And Will NOT Miss About This Semester...

December 08 2005
I will miss hanging out with Lindsey and Page in geology.
But I will NOT miss geology class!

I will miss having a Russian teacher with random, funny stories.
I will NOT miss math!

I will miss theatre appreciation.
I will NOT be sad to move on to other aspects of theatre.

I will miss Dr. Spires.
I will NOT miss Dr. Spires' tests.

I will miss discussions in Dr. Therrien's class.
I will NOT miss Dr. Therrien's grading scale.

I will miss having two classes with Garrett.
I will NOT miss him messing with my M&M's!

I will miss helping Ms. C during scholarship work.
I will NOT miss driving off campus to go help her.

Five finals, one Friday, one Monday, and three Tuesday. Yes, three. Fun times. Pray for all of them, especially geology on Monday!


December 08 2005
:o Not the M&Ms! o.o!!!!


December 09 2005
yikes! three exams in one day?! wow I'm praying. Hope they all go well! :) Have a great day Amy!!! good luck with finals


December 11 2005
Dr. Spires? Is that James' dad?