My Worries Were In Vain!

November 23 2005
"The things that happen do not happen by chance, they are entirely in the decree of God. God is working out his purposes." -Oswald Chambers

I don't know how many millions of times God is going to have to teach me to chill out, but I am so happy, relieved, and THANKFUL that my schedule worked out really well! I was actually planning on taking three of the classes, two of them just turned out to be with different teachers at different times. I still got Intro to EMC Honors... which was a biggie. And I have an elective... so that's cool. Anyhow, I won't keep y'all waiting because I know you're just so anxious to find out! Hee hee! And if anyone wants to get in my psych class, there is probably plenty of room still avaliable!

Computer Science Orientation
General Psychology

Intro to Electric Media Communication

Fundamentals of Acting
Survey of United States History II

Avaliable for lunch after 12:45 on TR and between 11:15 and 12:40 on MWF


November 23 2005
Glad everything worked out for you!


November 23 2005
i know what ya stressful! but everything worked out great for both of us! oh and i get out of classes next semester on TR at 12:45 too! so we can probably eat together and then go to work! yay you start next week!


November 24 2005
aww, I'm glad everything worked out with your schedule too. Don't ever worry, because God is always in control :) have a wonderful thanksgiving Amy!!