Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Little Women

May 18 2007

I was reading one of my favorite books in 3rd today when I was suddenly hit with a realization. I've been having a few problems with multiple things at the same time and it's been very strenuous, but that book always seems to find its way into my hands when I need it most. I read a certain part and things got a little clearer and I think I got the fix I needed.

I went to the doctor yesterday, I've had a constant headache for about two weeks and they've come and gone for a couple months, last week I got landed with a serious migrane for two days. It sucked. It sucked big time.

He told me that not only were these migranes and headaches were genetic, the were what was called constricting. When certain parts of my brain don't get the right amount of oxygen they start to contract and they cause the pain. He gave me some medicine to keep them in check and I feel so good. This is the first time in two weeks I haven't had a headache, I'm a little sleepy, but that's just a side effect.

I'm heading to Jamestown after school. My cousin is graduating and we should be back sometime tommorrow. But until then I will be away from anything internet, cell phone reception, of decent TV without so much as a good movie to keep me distracted. I'm taking several batteries for my CD player and some good tunes. Wish me luck and I will try to make contact the second I'm back in cell phone range!


May 18 2007
i like for good reasons. good safe reasons that have absolutley nothing to do with melting in ANYBODYS arms. nope.

At the Crossroads of Life

May 18 2007
I hate it when I get migranes, so I know what it's like to have one for a couple of days. I'm glad you're feeling better! I'll talk to you when you are back on the Internet! =)

Jamie Crabtree

May 19 2007
What do arms have to do with anything ?